IGA Rivervale


  • Extensive corrosion of roof cladding
  • Leaks from skylights
  • Box gutters heavily rusted
  • Had option and quote to re-roof but cost was prohibitive as well as disruption to business opening hours



  • All corrosion over roof area treated
  • Roof area fully sealed and waterproofed
  • 2 coats of CoolBond® to waterproof/protect against further corrosion, and reduce heat load on building/ AC units
  • The customer has achieved approximately $50 a day savings over last 3 years due to the heat load reduction on building
  • Tony stated he hardly uses the a/c since we applied CoolBond®


Customer Comments:

‘We have had a reduction in air-conditioning requirements by 50% since roof membrane installed!’

Tony  Jardim – IGA Rivervale