The result has seriously exceeded our most optimistic expectations. Successive forty plus degree days have left the house comfortably cool and we only used the air conditioner intermittently on the second and third day
CoolBond® has been cooling homes and living spaces throughout W.A.’s harsh Pilbara region and Perth metro areas since the late 80’s.
Living areas where heat is unmanageable and mechanical cooling too expensive or ineffective, CoolBond® is the solution.
Applied to external surfaces CoolBond® can dramatically reduce internal temperatures, resulting in less reliance on mechanical cooling.
This results in savings on power usage and provides a payback period on the initial investment in the CoolBond® system.
CoolBond® for your Home
Applying CoolBond® to your roof and/ or masonary walls has a myriad of other benefits including;
- Industrial grade high build protective coating encapsulates your roof and wall structures from environmental exposure and corrosive attack
- Industrial grade waterproofing membrane with high flexibility
- UV stable and fade resistant
- Beautify your home with excellent quality finishes to make roof areas look ‘brand new’
- Incorporate a sustainable green technology into your home to reduce CO2 emissions and carbon footprint
- Industry leading 20yr warranty applied by skilled tradespeople
Take a look at some of CCA’s previously completed projects below.
Residential Roof Cooling Projects
CCA provided a solution by applying CoolBond® to all roof areas to reduce heat inside and provide ongoing passive cooling.
The CoolBond® roofing spray applied to our roof resulted in the immediate cooling of our home, exceeding our expectations.
CoolBond® has made a significant and beneficial difference to indoor temperatures on hot days, particularly in the back room that is under a skillion roof
The quality of the finished product makes the roof appear brand new, we have already had many of our friends and neighbors comment positively.
With CoolBond®, the roof is waterproof, sealed and so much cooler than before. Even with really hot days the house is cool and comfortable.